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Old Nov 28, 2009, 04:14 PM // 16:14   #1
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Default Thoughts on Mysticism or How I Learned to Love the Primary Dervish

So I started a Dervish after having used an Assassin as my primary since Factions came out.

I've since learned all the horror stories of how Dervish(es?) are less effective as a primary with their own weapon than other characters, such as Rangers, Assassins and Warriors.

Being something of a purist I find it impossible to play a scythe wielding 'sin, a dagger using ranger, etc., etc.

And from my own play experience, I've come to a few obvious conclusions about the class, and of course welcome any feedback if my ideas are wildly off base.

1. Aura of Holy Might - it makes no sense that a skill like this should function as a normal skill, whereas a skill like Critical Agility functions off of the Sin's Critical Strikes. It should be changed to function exactly like CA, but based off of Mysticism.

2. Mysticism - the primary benefit of this attribute is extremely impotent when compared to that of the Paragon, so much so that it makes me wonder if it was ever truly playtested. Indeed, based on the difference in how shouts/chants and enchantments work, it feels like ANet mixed up the primary attribute functionality. Since enchants generally last longer than shouts (for example compare "Go For the Eyes" with any enchant), it would make more sense that Mysticism would grant the health/energy bonus when an enchant is cast on the Dervish, either by him/herself or from another source, rather than waiting for them to end. Especially given that the Dervish is a frontline melee combatant, it makes no sense that he must constantly cast enchants while trying to maintain a decent attack rate, when the Paragon can insta-cast shouts and chants while maintaining a high attack rate from the midline. So basically, switch the functionality of Leadership/Mysticism.

Alternatively, grant an energy bonus when an enchant is cast (either self targeted, on another or by another), and grant a health bonus when an enchant ends. Whichever way it is handled, I believe the energy bonus should be on the front end of enchanting, not the back end. This would give greater utility to skills like Zealous Renewal, which might incentivize Dervishes to use lesser utilized skills in a more broad role.

3. Scythes - I like the wide damage range, however, I think it is slightly rediculous given that the Scythe is the only weapon with an inherent AoE effect, that ANY class can utilize it. This should be changed in one of two ways:
A. - Only Dervishes are able to utilize the ability to strike 3 targets at once or...
B. - Link the number of targets able to be hit adjacent to your target to Mysticism, say 1 adjacent target for every 4 levels in Mysticism. So at 0 to 4 Mysticism, a Scythe would only hit the target, 5 to 9 1 adjacent target, 10 to 13 2 adjacent targets, and 14 and up 3 adjacent targets (for a total of 4).

The only reason I can see this as being unfair is the comparison to Dagger Mastery giving a chance to Double Strike to any profession, but that's only a percentage chance whereas Scythes hit adjacent no matter what, so that mitigates the argument somewhat.

4. Enchantment Cycling - if the functionality of Mysticism cannot be changed so that energy gain is frontloaded, and the concept of a Dervish is a warrior focused on the maintaining of enchants, then the way Dervish enchantments work needs to be changed. Either recharges need to be changed to be much shorter, so that the skills that work by removing enchants can be used more often, or, and this is my personal opinion, Mysticism enchants when cast by a Dervish need to "recycle" (much like CA for sins or Aggressive Refrain for Paragons) whenever any enchant ends on the Dervish. Obviously, this would require some rebalancing of certain skills, notably Heart of Fury (perhaps inflicting Dazed so that a Dervish would have to choose when to end it, or Cracked Armor).

5. Skill Rebalancing - Some skills just make no sense. Take the Avatar of Grenth and compare it to Fox's Promise. AoG is a Form that requires the target to be enchanted to work (i.e. stance tanks could circumvent it), attacks do cold damage, negating the benefit of physical curses like OoP, and lasts for 90 seconds at 16 Mysticism, so a 30 second cooldown. FP on the other hand, is an enchant that lasts for 21 seconds at 16 CS (although with CS usually running at 13, that gives 18 seconds, but take into account an enchanting mod, and the duration exceeds the recharge), does not modify the damage type, and works no matter what, as long as one does not miss (i.e. Blind).

So FP costs less, can last indefinitely (given a high CS attribute, nearly a necessity), and works universally against both enchanted and stanced foes. The only downside is that it works only with dagger attacks, while AoG works with any weapon, but seeing as how the prevalence of blocking leans towards stance tanking/blocking, AoG is largely useless. Also, its much easier for an enemy to identify AoG than FP, given the visual effect.

These are just a few of my observations, and its not enough to dissuade me from playing the Dervish, but it certainly is disheartening.
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Old Nov 28, 2009, 05:12 PM // 17:12   #2
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Avatar's aren't terribly useful in PvP and since the mystic sweep/ermite/shadowstep nerfs, I haven't seen a high end guild use an avatar. In PvE avatars do see some use, and I have an AoG build using daggers that makes the 17 lifesteal brutal. Scythes are fine, their low attack rate and high damage spread makes up for the ability to hit adjacent targets. Honestly, that part isnt a problem when you think about it. Rarely are scythes chosen over another weapon for the purposes of hitting more than one target (only the WS dervish is used in PvP really, and that's not for hitting multiple opponents).

Aura of might doesn't need to be changed, it's already a great skill (Better than CA IMO, as the +%dmg is huge).

As to your enchantment cycling, this would have to replace mysticism to be fair, and do so in a way that would not inhibit the use of dervish enchantments to other classes.

Mysticism could use a buff, but deffidelty not a switch with leadership (last time I checked dervishes had no shouts/chants).
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Old Nov 28, 2009, 05:32 PM // 17:32   #3
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Mysticism I don't mind, but it's the (lack of) skills and how some skills feel they're under the wrong attribute. Nearly all the builds I've seen don't flow well.
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Old Nov 28, 2009, 06:23 PM // 18:23   #4
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My biggest peeve playing my dervish is to often break my momentum having to recast my enchantments whenever they end. On the other hand, I would definitely like to see the concept of dervish being able to recycle their enchantments being expanded on. What Anet can do is:
  • Reduce the duration of dervish enchantments.
  • Include an inherent function to some of the enchantments (e.g. HoF) for their durations to be renewed and trigger mysticism should they be stripped prematurely.
  • Buff or rework the skills which self strips enchantments to equal out the advantages and disadvantages of being enchanted and disenchanted. The skill effects do not have to be damage dealing or health gain, it could mimic the effects like the elementalist glyphs (e.g. next enchantment cast instantly or at higher attribute levels).

I think avatars should remains untouched as they are just one trick pony gimmicks which require the whole skill bar to revolve around it in order to be effective. Although the easiest way to see dervish becoming 'popular' is through buffing avatars, it avoids the addressing the issues which are making dervish weak and just create another gimmick like Anet did to sins with CA and SF.
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Old Nov 28, 2009, 06:27 PM // 18:27   #5
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I think Mysticism is kinda akward actually. While builds that utilize when enchantments end are fun, I always find (this is just me) that if I put everythign in Scythe Mastery and either earth or wind prayers is better as a Primary dervish. This is kind of the same problem where Ritualists ignore (and still do) Spawning power.

Kinda sad.

Meta Speaking (In PvE at least)

Warriors ALWAYS use strength

Monks ALWAYS use Divine Favor

Assassins almost ALWAYS use Critical Strikes

Rangers ALWAYS use expertise

Paragons ALWAYS use Leadership (for energy and nice skills mind you)

Necros ALWAYS use Soul Reaping

Mesmers rarely use Fast Casting (I do just because I love speed)

Ritualists Rarely use Spawning power

Dervishes are kind 50/50 when it comes to their primary.

I think if you were to make Mysticism activate upon the arrival of an enchantment other than the ending of one, then you can control it much better, and not require enchantment ending skills to take full effect of them.

I would personally Like to see a change with Fast Casting first, but I think dervishes just need a tad of tweaking.
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Old Nov 28, 2009, 07:14 PM // 19:14   #6
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Mysticism only works with Orders, otherwise, it's just a way to spam Patient Spirit on yourself for free. It needs to be reworked.
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Old Nov 28, 2009, 07:52 PM // 19:52   #7
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From reading the OP it sounds less like you've learned to love the primary dervish, and more like you've learned that primary dervishes stink and need a buff.
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Old Nov 28, 2009, 08:41 PM // 20:41   #8
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@Crippie - The part about the scythes is that I think only Dervishes should be able to take full advantage of the AoE ability, so that you don't see Scythesins/wars anymore, which are just gimmick builds taking advantage of what to me is an exploit in the class.

AoHM DOES need to be changed so that other classes cannot use it, just like it would be silly for a Warrior or Ranger to try to use Critical Agility. As it stands now, the Paragon, Monk, and Sin Sunspear skills are all tied to the primary attribute, why not AoHM? At least then it would discourage even more rediculous builds like Scythe Sins and Wars.

The enchantment cycling idea wouldn't replace Mysticism, just the way it functions. As to the switch with Leadership, I didn't mean literally, I meant functionality.

@Cuilan - I agree its a bit rediculous that there are so many Elites in Mysticism, with most of them being useless except for gimmick builds, and the normal skills also being relatively of less marginal utility than Wind or Earth Prayer buffs. Perhaps if they implemented actual enchantment cycling with an expansion of skill offerings in Mysticism, we'd see a revival of the Dervish.

@Chthon - Not at all! Actually DESPITE all my ranting I still love the Dervish class and play it frequently, only second to my assassin whom I've had for 42 months lol. That's why I made that post, is that I see a great deal of potential for the class, with just a little re-working and balance, the Dervish would be even more fun!
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Old Nov 30, 2009, 06:47 AM // 06:47   #9
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yeah i kind of knew you didnt mean literally... but again, unless the derv decided to pack aegis and the like or they changed his skillset, not a useful switch.

and as a sidenote, the title should have been Dr Mysticism or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Primary Dervish

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Old Nov 30, 2009, 06:47 PM // 18:47   #10
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Originally Posted by Kaleban View Post
So I started a Dervish after having used an Assassin as my primary since Factions came out.

I've since learned all the horror stories of how Dervish(es?) are less effective as a primary with their own weapon than other characters, such as Rangers, Assassins and Warriors.

Being something of a purist I find it impossible to play a scythe wielding 'sin, a dagger using ranger, etc., etc.

And from my own play experience, I've come to a few obvious conclusions about the class, and of course welcome any feedback if my ideas are wildly off base.

1. Aura of Holy Might - it makes no sense that a skill like this should function as a normal skill, whereas a skill like Critical Agility functions off of the Sin's Critical Strikes. It should be changed to function exactly like CA, but based off of Mysticism.

2. Mysticism - the primary benefit of this attribute is extremely impotent when compared to that of the Paragon, so much so that it makes me wonder if it was ever truly playtested. Indeed, based on the difference in how shouts/chants and enchantments work, it feels like ANet mixed up the primary attribute functionality. Since enchants generally last longer than shouts (for example compare "Go For the Eyes" with any enchant), it would make more sense that Mysticism would grant the health/energy bonus when an enchant is cast on the Dervish, either by him/herself or from another source, rather than waiting for them to end. Especially given that the Dervish is a frontline melee combatant, it makes no sense that he must constantly cast enchants while trying to maintain a decent attack rate, when the Paragon can insta-cast shouts and chants while maintaining a high attack rate from the midline. So basically, switch the functionality of Leadership/Mysticism.

Alternatively, grant an energy bonus when an enchant is cast (either self targeted, on another or by another), and grant a health bonus when an enchant ends. Whichever way it is handled, I believe the energy bonus should be on the front end of enchanting, not the back end. This would give greater utility to skills like Zealous Renewal, which might incentivize Dervishes to use lesser utilized skills in a more broad role.

3. Scythes - I like the wide damage range, however, I think it is slightly rediculous given that the Scythe is the only weapon with an inherent AoE effect, that ANY class can utilize it. This should be changed in one of two ways:
A. - Only Dervishes are able to utilize the ability to strike 3 targets at once or...
B. - Link the number of targets able to be hit adjacent to your target to Mysticism, say 1 adjacent target for every 4 levels in Mysticism. So at 0 to 4 Mysticism, a Scythe would only hit the target, 5 to 9 1 adjacent target, 10 to 13 2 adjacent targets, and 14 and up 3 adjacent targets (for a total of 4).

The only reason I can see this as being unfair is the comparison to Dagger Mastery giving a chance to Double Strike to any profession, but that's only a percentage chance whereas Scythes hit adjacent no matter what, so that mitigates the argument somewhat.

4. Enchantment Cycling - if the functionality of Mysticism cannot be changed so that energy gain is frontloaded, and the concept of a Dervish is a warrior focused on the maintaining of enchants, then the way Dervish enchantments work needs to be changed. Either recharges need to be changed to be much shorter, so that the skills that work by removing enchants can be used more often, or, and this is my personal opinion, Mysticism enchants when cast by a Dervish need to "recycle" (much like CA for sins or Aggressive Refrain for Paragons) whenever any enchant ends on the Dervish. Obviously, this would require some rebalancing of certain skills, notably Heart of Fury (perhaps inflicting Dazed so that a Dervish would have to choose when to end it, or Cracked Armor).

5. Skill Rebalancing - Some skills just make no sense. Take the Avatar of Grenth and compare it to Fox's Promise. AoG is a Form that requires the target to be enchanted to work (i.e. stance tanks could circumvent it), attacks do cold damage, negating the benefit of physical curses like OoP, and lasts for 90 seconds at 16 Mysticism, so a 30 second cooldown. FP on the other hand, is an enchant that lasts for 21 seconds at 16 CS (although with CS usually running at 13, that gives 18 seconds, but take into account an enchanting mod, and the duration exceeds the recharge), does not modify the damage type, and works no matter what, as long as one does not miss (i.e. Blind).

So FP costs less, can last indefinitely (given a high CS attribute, nearly a necessity), and works universally against both enchanted and stanced foes. The only downside is that it works only with dagger attacks, while AoG works with any weapon, but seeing as how the prevalence of blocking leans towards stance tanking/blocking, AoG is largely useless. Also, its much easier for an enemy to identify AoG than FP, given the visual effect.

These are just a few of my observations, and its not enough to dissuade me from playing the Dervish, but it certainly is disheartening.
Tried it. Tried it. Tried it.

What I learned from doing so:

Most of the people on GWG really hate the dervish and want it to disappear, not become useful.
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Old Nov 30, 2009, 09:58 PM // 21:58   #11
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Aura of Holy Might - it makes no sense that a skill like this should function as a normal skill, whereas a skill like Critical Agility functions off of the Sin's Critical Strikes. It should be changed to function exactly like CA, but based off of Mysticism
totally agree, i makes no sense that it isnt linked to mysticism, unless they wanted to make it more benefitial for other profs then for a derv
Link the number of targets able to be hit adjacent to your target to Mysticism, say 1 adjacent target for every 4 levels in Mysticism. So at 0 to 4 Mysticism, a Scythe would only hit the target, 5 to 9 1 adjacent target, 10 to 13 2 adjacent targets, and 14 and up 3 adjacent targets (for a total of 4)
ooo, i like that idea, that sounds good
Most of the people on GWG really hate the dervish and want it to disappear, not become useful.
pfff, why would they want that, dervs are awesome? screw them then
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Old Dec 02, 2009, 06:47 AM // 06:47   #12
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linking scythe hits to mysticism would make scythes unusable for all other profs. This is not what anet should be promoting. Otherwise all dervs shouldn't be running AoG dagger builds, no bow sins, no spear warriors. It's a very greedy and completely polarizing idea.
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Old Dec 02, 2009, 05:31 PM // 17:31   #13
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mmm, true, but dervs or any other proff shouldn't be outclassed in the use of their own weapon by another prof. Definetly not to the extend that the other prof makes the derv and his scythe (practically)useless and unwanted. Like now with all them scythe sins and scythe warriors.
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Old Dec 03, 2009, 10:04 AM // 10:04   #14
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personally I think a buff to the earth prayer and wind prayer lines would be a suitable way to help dervs do damage. The only problem, as many people have stated, is that casting enchants in the midst of battle interrupts the flow of the attack.

TBH I haven't played a derv for a while (I deleted it a while ago for a ranger). I haven't had the chance to evaluate how the latest buffs affect the class but I like the direction (especially with the earth and wind stance changes). If only the enchants could somehow be made more powerful without making it OP to other classes...maybe a mysticism/damage link or something.
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Old Dec 04, 2009, 06:36 AM // 06:36   #15
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Hmmm, I think the number of enemies hit should be kept inherent to the scythe. Its useless in PvP and inconsistent in PvE.

Mysticism and AoHM are the big problems. Wind prayers and Earth prayers have already been buffed to the point of stupidity (see new conviction), but wind and earth can be used by ALL professions. The Dervish is still outclassed.

My proposals:

AoHM - tied to Mysticism

Sand Shards - Change area of effect from nearby to adjacent, reduce damage, and make it armor ignoring. Alternatively, increase damage but keep the nearby AoE (this skill is useless in HM PvE).

Arcane Zeal - reduce to 5 energy

Avatar of Melandru - at the very least, bring the energy cost down to 20 for PvE only

Extend Enchantments - When you cast it, you dont loose all enchantments. Still loose them on ending though.

Heart of Fury - Reduce recharge to 20 or 25 s

Imbue Health - Same effect, but if target healed ally was enchanted you gain 1..5 energy.

Meditation - Reduce casting time to 1/2 or 3/4 s

Since I mention it in a sec, Zealous Vow energy return should be reduced.

Change to Mysticism:
The main problem here is the failure of enchant cycling. So while it would be impractical to completely get rid of it because the class was based on it, change the effect to something along the lines of "Every time you use an attack *Skill* you gain 1...3 energy (1 every 5 ranks) for every enchantment on you, and everytime an enchantment ends on you, you gain 1...15 health (1 per rank as it is now)."

This would put less emphasis on the cycling, but still make enchantments integral. Doubt many will like it though, as it is a drastic difference to the current mysticism and people dont like drastic change, particularly anet. The other foreseeable problem is the combination of this effect with Zealous Vow.

Last edited by shoyon456; Dec 05, 2009 at 02:19 AM // 02:19..
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Old Dec 04, 2009, 11:21 AM // 11:21   #16
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Originally Posted by shoyon456 View Post
Change to Mysticism:
The main problem here is the failure of enchant cycling. So while it would be impractical to completely get rid of it because the class was based on it, change the effect to something along the lines of "Every time you use an attack you gain 1...3 energy (1 every 5 ranks) for every enchantment on you, and everytime an enchantment ends on you, you gain 1...15 health (1 per rank as it is now)."

This would put less emphasis on the cycling, but still make enchantments integral. Doubt many will like it though, as it is a drastic difference to the current mysticism and people dont like drastic change, particularly anet. The other foreseeable problem is the combination of this effect with Zealous Vow.
U say prblem, but imagine it: U on ur derv under IAS and zealous vow, high myst, auto-attacking like a madman and thus gaining tons of energy. Which then makes u capable of using all those high energy ele nuking spells uve always wanted to use . Doesn't that sound amazing?
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Old Dec 04, 2009, 08:29 PM // 20:29   #17
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I kinda agree with bit of this and bit of that, but I think it won't happen.

Derv's enchants were supposed to be better than the other ones with those 2 effects; upon cast and upon end. It is still time/energy consuming to recast the enchants.

Still, derv is teh best
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Old Dec 05, 2009, 12:34 PM // 12:34   #18
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*sigh* i will say it again. If you tie AoHM to mysticism, the many dervishes who dont use mysticsm wont be able to use AoHM. It is a good idea but it is easily flawed because mysticsm is unnecessary for energy management in builds like zealous vow. I for one barely use mysticsm anyway.

EDIT: this also goes for the idea of tying the amount of foes u can hit with the scythe to mysticsm. some dervishes dont use their primary attribute!

Last edited by Ferminator; Dec 05, 2009 at 12:37 PM // 12:37..
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Old Dec 05, 2009, 07:53 PM // 19:53   #19
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Then mysticism mechanics should be changed. I never saw a ele with 0 energy storage, and yet my derv is at 0 mysticism.
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Old Dec 06, 2009, 02:37 AM // 02:37   #20
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Originally Posted by Ferminator View Post
*sigh* i will say it again. If you tie AoHM to mysticism, the many dervishes who dont use mysticsm wont be able to use AoHM. It is a good idea but it is easily flawed because mysticsm is unnecessary for energy management in builds like zealous vow. I for one barely use mysticsm anyway.

EDIT: this also goes for the idea of tying the amount of foes u can hit with the scythe to mysticsm. some dervishes dont use their primary attribute!
Don't know if this has been discussed in this/another similar topic but they could leave it tied to the SS title, but give it a 50% chance of failure when Mysticism > 4. Some skills already have this (Can't think of any other than Earth Shaker though). Maybe tweak the attribute level and failure rate to a more appropriate level. It'd keep it useable, but annoying for non Dervs.
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